Welcome to the UCC

We are a community of Catholic students growing in relationship with Jesus and living out our faith here at UTA
Mass Times
Sunday 5:30 PM Wednesday 5:00 pm
Adoration  and Confession Wednesday at 4:00 pm
All services at the UCC building  1010 Benge Dr. 76013
These times only during Fall and Spring Semesters
No Mass and Confession over Winter and Summer breaks
Also no Mass first Sunday of Spring Break or Easter Sunday

Connect and Stay Up To Date

This is were we post about events and share pics as well as inspirational reflections to help you grow in faith
The Called App
This is where you will find all our chats and groups, plus detailed info on events, also where you can connect with other UCC members

Ways to Get Involved

Click on  a box to learn more about these areas of the UCC

Click any image for more infromation 

Drop Us A Line

Sends us an email if you have a question or need information or just say hi!

Donate to the UCC

Click the dollar to get  to the donations website. Once there, scroll down and check the box for “University of Texas Arlington Catholic Community”. You can do one-time and reoccurring donations.
Thanks for your support.
If you have any questions, contact Jeff Hedglen EMAIL

Map to the UCC

Find us at
1010 Benge Dr Arlington TX 76013

UCC Building Hours
Sundays 4:00-8:00 PM
Monday-Thursday 1:00-8:00 PM
Friday - Events only