The Seven Sacraments - a brief explainer

Definition of a Sacrament
An outward sign, established by Christ to give grace - or - An outward sign of an inward reality.
The efficacious power of the sacrament is that the symbol has actual power it is not only a symbol.
The sign (or physical symbol) used in each sacrament does what the sign symbolizes.
Thus, the waters of baptism don’t just symbolically wash sin, they ACTUALLY (efficaciously) wash sin away.
Matter and Form – Each Sacrament has specific physical signs (matter) and words (form) that make them valid.
Anointing = A ceremonial action used to show how something is holy (separate from the normal). Oil is used for this.

*** These sacraments also produce a change in your character - an indelible mark on your soul

Sacraments of Initiation

*** Baptism

Signs: Water, oil, candle & white garment
Who performs the sacrament:
Priest, Bishop, Deacon
In Emergency anyone can

Effects of Baptism

  • We are granted justification/sanctifying grace
  • When we're baptized, our original sin is forgiven and, in the case of adults, personal sins.
  • We receive Faith, hope and charity as well as The gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • We receive the sacramental grace - It offers the necessary help to live a Christian life.
  • A sacramental character is imprinted in us - It is an indelible spiritual mark that is imprinted during Baptism.
  • Compels us to live the mission of the Church by living our faith

*** Confirmation

Sign: Chrism Oil
Who performs the sacrament:
Bishop or priest

Effects of Confirmation

  • It brings us closer to God, our Father and It roots us more deeply as children of God, and unites us more firmly to Jesus Christ.
  • We receive the Gifts of the Spirit Increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us: Wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord
  • These give us the strength we need to live the baptismal call to the mission of the Church


Effects of Eucharist

Sign: Water and Wine - Body and Blood
Who performs the sacrament:
Bishop or priest
  • We receive the Body and Blood of Jesus our Savior
  • We are granted sanctifying grace
  • It unites us with Christ. This is possible because we receives Christ himself, who is the author of grace.

Sacraments of Healing


Effects of Reconciliation

Sign: Laying on of hands and Words of absolution
Who performs the sacrament:
Bishop or priest
  • It reconciles us with God and the Church and we regain the grace we lost because of sin
  • We receive the forgiveness or all our sins (mortal and venial).
  • It reduces the purification of Purgatory
  • It gives us peace and strength to avoid temptation and helps us flee from sin

Anointing of the Sick

Effects of Anointing of the Sick

Sign: Oil of the Infirmed
Who performs the sacrament:
Bishop or priest
  • Strengthening, peace and courage to overcome the difficulties that go with serious illness or the frailty of old age.
  • Unites us with the passion of Christ
  • A preparation for the final journey - This last anointing fortifies the end of our earthly life and gives us food for the final journey – called viaticum

Sacraments of Service

Holy Matrimony

Effects of Holy Matrimony

Sign: Vows and Rings
Who performs the sacrament:
The Couple being married confer the sacrament on each other
Bishop, Priest, Deacon are there to witness the sacrament and insure the Sacramental form is correct
  • We receive the Matrimonial Bond - this bond has been established by God himself in such a way that a marriage between two baptized persons can never be dissolved.
  • The grace of the sacrament of Matrimony - This grace is intended to perfect the couple's love and to strengthen their indissoluble unity.

*** Holy Orders

Effects of Holy Orders

Sign: Chrism and Laying on of hands
Who performs the sacrament:
  • The Indelible Mark on your soul, Character
  • Become a Bishop, Priest, or Deacon
  • This Sacrament cannot be repeated or conferred temporarily.
  • The Grace of the Holy Spirit - The grace of the Holy Spirit proper to this sacrament is configuration to Christ as Priest, Teacher, and Pastor, of whom the ordained is made a minister.
  • In persona cristi - The priest and bishop stand in the place of Christ when they do the sacraments