Prayer and Sacrifice for Others
A Recipe for Intercession
It can help to have instructions to follow as you begin interceding on others’ behalf. Use these steps as a guide to build your prayers, but of course the most important things are to approach God with trust and pray from the heart.
1. Talk directly to God. Prayer is a relationship. Use one of the names of God as you address him
in prayer. Begin your prayer with “Jesus,” “Heavenly Father,” “Lord,” “Holy Spirit,”or “God.”
2. Be specific. Who are you praying for? Pray for them by name.
3. Name the need. What is broken or in need of help? Name it and pray for it specifically. For instance: “Jack doubts that you love him.” “Lucia was diagnosed with cancer this week.”
4. Ask for light in the name of Jesus. Jesus tells his disciples: “If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it” (John 14:14). What graces or virtues do you want God to bring? What could help the situation they’re in? What obstacles do you want God to remove? “In Jesus’ name, bring faith to Jack’s heart today. “Please give Lucia strength and heal her in the name of Jesus.”
5. Make an act of trust or thanksgiving. In the end, we trust God: that he is good, that he is able to fight for us, and that his will is the best answer to our prayer. “Thank you for hearing my prayer, Lord.” “I know you are always there for us, Jesus, I trust in you.” “Your will be done, Father”
Fasting and Making Sacrifices
There is a mysterious and powerful call to join our sufferings to those of Jesus, which adds
power and focus to our prayers for others.
But this doesn’t need to be done in grandiose or seemingly heroic ways; it’s the little things that
are most important and effective.
1. The best sacrifices are those that are small and go unnoticed,-
2. Serve others,
3. Are part of the regular unfolding of our days and help us to operate better
4. That don’t mortify others.
Fasting without fasting from food
Though fasting from food is a generally good practice and a classic sacrifice, it is not the only way to pray with the body. In fact, sometimes fasting from food is too difficult to do quietly and cheerfully or is unwise for those with physical or mental health considerations.
Try these for a week or month at a time
KEY point – do these things as a sacrificial prayer for someone
At work and school
Stick to a schedule.
Start on time and end on time.
•Do unpleasant or difficult tasks first.
Whenever anyone asks for your help, give them your immediate attention (if your position allows).
Or the opposite: schedule focused time, shut your door, close your email when not using it, silence unnecessary notifications, etc.
Stay off of social media during work hours.
Compliment people; go out of your way to be friendly; smile— even when you don’t feel like it.
Finish your tasks as well and quickly as you can, and then offer to help someone else with their tasks.
Close your computer if you don’t need it for your current task.
At Home
Let others choose music, movies, tv shows, etc. Accept their choice with a cheerful spirit.
Lessen roommate’s burden: do an undesirable home task or one of their least-favorite chores before they get to it.
Do a certain number of loads of laundry per day or week.
Fold and put away laundry immediately after it finishes drying.
Don’t leave clothes on the floor.
Set the table, wash the dishes, or offer to make a meal if these are not part of your regular responsibility.
Drop whatever you’re doing whenever someone asks your assistance.
Exercise regularly; or if you tend to be indulgent with exercise, end your exercises on time.
Cut out a certain amount of social media time and instead play a board game with friends/family/roommates.
Put your phone in another room when you get home; treat it like a landline. Only get it if it rings.
Make your bed first thing in the morning.
No phones or screens at the dining table or while doing activities with someone else.
It can help to have instructions to follow as you begin interceding on others’ behalf. Use these steps as a guide to build your prayers, but of course the most important things are to approach God with trust and pray from the heart.
1. Talk directly to God. Prayer is a relationship. Use one of the names of God as you address him
in prayer. Begin your prayer with “Jesus,” “Heavenly Father,” “Lord,” “Holy Spirit,”or “God.”
2. Be specific. Who are you praying for? Pray for them by name.
3. Name the need. What is broken or in need of help? Name it and pray for it specifically. For instance: “Jack doubts that you love him.” “Lucia was diagnosed with cancer this week.”
4. Ask for light in the name of Jesus. Jesus tells his disciples: “If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it” (John 14:14). What graces or virtues do you want God to bring? What could help the situation they’re in? What obstacles do you want God to remove? “In Jesus’ name, bring faith to Jack’s heart today. “Please give Lucia strength and heal her in the name of Jesus.”
5. Make an act of trust or thanksgiving. In the end, we trust God: that he is good, that he is able to fight for us, and that his will is the best answer to our prayer. “Thank you for hearing my prayer, Lord.” “I know you are always there for us, Jesus, I trust in you.” “Your will be done, Father”
Fasting and Making Sacrifices
There is a mysterious and powerful call to join our sufferings to those of Jesus, which adds
power and focus to our prayers for others.
But this doesn’t need to be done in grandiose or seemingly heroic ways; it’s the little things that
are most important and effective.
1. The best sacrifices are those that are small and go unnoticed,-
2. Serve others,
3. Are part of the regular unfolding of our days and help us to operate better
4. That don’t mortify others.
Fasting without fasting from food
Though fasting from food is a generally good practice and a classic sacrifice, it is not the only way to pray with the body. In fact, sometimes fasting from food is too difficult to do quietly and cheerfully or is unwise for those with physical or mental health considerations.
Try these for a week or month at a time
KEY point – do these things as a sacrificial prayer for someone
At work and school
Stick to a schedule.
Start on time and end on time.
•Do unpleasant or difficult tasks first.
Whenever anyone asks for your help, give them your immediate attention (if your position allows).
Or the opposite: schedule focused time, shut your door, close your email when not using it, silence unnecessary notifications, etc.
Stay off of social media during work hours.
Compliment people; go out of your way to be friendly; smile— even when you don’t feel like it.
Finish your tasks as well and quickly as you can, and then offer to help someone else with their tasks.
Close your computer if you don’t need it for your current task.
At Home
Let others choose music, movies, tv shows, etc. Accept their choice with a cheerful spirit.
Lessen roommate’s burden: do an undesirable home task or one of their least-favorite chores before they get to it.
Do a certain number of loads of laundry per day or week.
Fold and put away laundry immediately after it finishes drying.
Don’t leave clothes on the floor.
Set the table, wash the dishes, or offer to make a meal if these are not part of your regular responsibility.
Drop whatever you’re doing whenever someone asks your assistance.
Exercise regularly; or if you tend to be indulgent with exercise, end your exercises on time.
Cut out a certain amount of social media time and instead play a board game with friends/family/roommates.
Put your phone in another room when you get home; treat it like a landline. Only get it if it rings.
Make your bed first thing in the morning.
No phones or screens at the dining table or while doing activities with someone else.
- Don’t listen to music or podcasts in the car, but drive in silence.
- Get up early and go to Mass.
- Don’t hit snooze in the morning.
- Get to bed on time.
- Cut out screen time one hour before bed.
- Decrease your news or podcast consumption by one source.
- Don’t give your opinion if you’re not asked for it.
- Mortify your curiosity/imagination: fast from browsing the internet except for work or to help someone with a specific request.
- Avoid talking about certain topics: i.e. yourself, topics that draw out negativity, things you obsess about, complaining, topics that are indulgent, etc.
- Instead of grumbling, say a prayer at red lights, when someone cuts you off, or when stuck in traffic, etc.